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Re-imagining the filter feature to enable site builders to create data heavy sites.


UX Team lead, PM, UX Writer, CS Rep, BI. 


Product designer

web app

new feature

no code


From 0 to 40% usage increase


Let  site builders provide visitors a way to filter the page content

Even though Wix already had a no-code filter feature site builders were either complaining it's missing, or hacking one from scratch.



Not enough UOU filters

UoU = User of user. Not the our user (who builds the site), but their user (site visitor).

UOU Filter set up is complicated



50% are unaware of UoU filters

Based on researching support tickets.



Top use request


Unblock data heavy sites


Increase income

I just can't show so much content on the page without a filter

user interview quote 😥

Mapping Issues

I started by mapping out the user flow for issues:

  • A few flows for a single feature

  • No indication they are related

  • Need to be done in a specific order

  • Different from the users mental model

old flow - (01)

Add a dropdown

Start from the UI

 High exposure in the "Add panel"

Old flow - (02)

Add filter in the dataset

Set the function of an element in another element

The dataset is a conceptual element 

No instructions to do so

old flow - (03)

Choose UI element

Unclear relationship between settings and UI

Set first - choose UI later

old flow - (04)

Add reset button

Add one element to complete the functionality of another

This is set in the button settings and not the dataset

No instruction to do so


final design - (01)

Select function

Start from the UI

Support users mental model (Match system and the real world)

Discoverable and prominent

 Clear relationship between UI and function

final design - (02)

Define fitler

 Clear system status

 Simple, conversational, flow

 Less cognitive load

After a few iterations I built a prototype and tested with users. The users were given a task that required to set up a filter, but with no instructions. I used the results of the user testing to design the flow and content of the final design.

final design - (03)

It works!  🎉

 Automatic options fetching

Automatically remove duplicate options

We add the "All" (reset) option for you

 One UI element - one function - one flow


40% Increase in using filters


Steady product KPIs



Design for the user's mental model


Koalas have fingerprints almost identical to humans


10% Increase in CMS settings usage

Redesigning the security and permissions flow for Wix CMS

150% Increase in lines of code

Building Wix IDE's AI code assistant

Other case studies

Quick contact


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