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1 (2).webp
Awareness and understanding of permissions. Increase site security. Minimize friction.


UX Team lead, PM , UX Writer, CS Rep, BI. 


Product designer

web app




+10% in security settings usage


Permissions control who can view or submit content on your site.

Collection permissions let the site builder control who can read and write content to the CMS on their site. They should set up the currect permissions for each collection.


60% unaware of collection permissions


+50% don't understand permissions


25% don't know how to change them


Why is that a problem?


Exposing sensitive user data


Failing to collect user data


Cost in support

The database permissions modal was so bad that it caused so much extra work for me

user interview quote 😥

Mapping Issues

in the flow - before

Low discoverability

Hidden in a tab

Tab name irrelevant to user intent

in the flow - before


After choosing “Custom use” the main CTA of the modal changes

Users don’t notice it

It’s bad practice

in the flow - before

Weird behavior 

Can’t save the permissions without creating the collection

Modal inside a modal

I started by mapping out the user flow for issues, looking for:

  • Discoverability

  • Affordance

  • UX writing


final design

A permissions tab

Relate to user intent

Standard, consistent, behavior

Discoverable and prominent

Better mapping and recognition



After sketching out a few different options, I prototyped the the most suitable one to test it a flow. Once I was happy with the result I delivered a production a ready design to the dev team and moved to support their work when needed.


Teach through using in context


Eggplants are berries



10% Increase in Collection permissions usage


Decline in related support tickets


10% Increase in CMS settings usage

Redesigning the security and permissions flow for Wix CMS

150% Increase in lines of code

Building Wix IDE's AI code assistant

Other case studies

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