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A human friendly design system for the Wix CLI


PM , UX Writer


Product designer

design system




Functional to → delightful


A command line interface provides a more professional and standard DX 

The CLI is used when a developer is working locally on their machine and pushes or pulls updates to Wix.



No consistency

Different states looked the same, semantic colors where used with different meanings, it was a mess 😵‍💫


Doesn't feel like Wix

Even though using the CLI is local and not in the Editor, it should still feel like one continuous experience, especially in terms of brand and quality. 


Doesn't help the user

Having no interface the CLI has an inherent discoverability challenge. You can't just tell what your next step is by looking at the menu. Therefor its extra important to bridge that by helping the user complete the task and not just a single action.



Discoverability without UI


Turn functional to delightful


Wix feel without Wix UI

Research 🔬

I looked at other CLIs and terminal flows to find:

  • Delight

  • Best practices

  • Brand experience

  • Solutions to create discoverability

point (01)

Stay on-brand


Brand colors

Terminology and tone-of-voice

point (02)

Add delight

Use drawings

Use tone-of-voice

point (03)


Suggest the next action

Sequence actions as flows

point (04)

Visual progress

Show clear system status

 Make waiting more tolerable


Guide (01)

State exampels

 Difference between system output and user input

 Semantic colors used for hierarchy 

 Using indents for relationships

Guide (02)

Icons for scanning

Icons in the beginning of each line allow scanning

Increase efficiency over time

Provides better hierarchy

guide (03)

Visual progress 

Clear system status

Increase user confidence

Opportunity to add delight

Staying on-brand with the colors

After mapping out all the scenarios in our CLI I designed two different outputs:

  • Guidelines for future new cases

  • Design of each of the current scenarios

Final product 🕺

Below a just a few examples for the actual scenarios and flows I designed.

Besides of course delivering the designs, the goal was to make sure the guidelines match actual use-cases.

When they didn't, I expended and corrected the rules.

example (01)


"Getting Started" is a standard dev experience

Increase discoverability without UI 

example (02)

Error state

Clearly signal an error

 Explain what happened

 Use human-friendly information

 Offer solution

example (03)


Celebrate a success

Suggest next action

Show what changed

example (04)

Minimal UI

Use type and glyphs to create UI

Design the min UI to serve the UX use-case


UX principles hold even with no UI 


Even very technical tools can be delightful


Abraham Lincoln was a local wrestling champion


10% Increase in CMS settings usage

Redesigning the security and permissions flow for Wix CMS

150% Increase in lines of code

Building Wix IDE's AI code assistant

Other case studies

Quick contact


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